Physical Curriculum
One of the things that immediately drew me to Harbor is the focus on movement and outdoor learning throughout the day. My child is more focused and happier when physical movement is part of her day."
- Current Parent

At Harbor, physical skill development is an integral part of our curriculum. We incorporate fine and gross motor activities and multi-sensory experiences into each school day, developing balance, coordination, and movement. Research informs our philosophy that movement breaks support brain development and enhance learning.

Our ample indoor and outdoor space is utilized each and every day for P.E. classes, Recess periods, and movement breaks. Children play with hula hoops and balls, they run obstacle courses, and tumble on mats, They are introduced to team sports including soccer, basketball, badminton, hockey, and tennis.

Beginning in our Preschool classes, children are strengthening their fine motor skills through play-based activities designed to increase their ability to manipulate small objects with greater control. We utilize the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to guide proper handwriting development. Gross motor skills are developed in the classroom, on the playground, and in P.E. classes. We also emphasize teamwork, cooperation, and self-regulation.

As the children progress into Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, we continue to work on handwriting and good writing habits in the classroom. Play-based activities such as art projects, manipulatives, and playdough support fine motor growth. Movement, such as dancing, games, and GoNoodle activities supplement the physical education program provided by our P.E. teacher twice a week.

Our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Graders spend the most time in the gym for P.E. – twice a week for 45 minutes each. This allows for students to fully integrate themselves into learning the game, sport, or lesson. Good sportsmanship is at the forefront of our physical education curriculum. 1st and 2nd Graders also have Writers Workshop, journaling, and handwriting lessons several times per week. The fine motor skill practice that began in preschool plays a significant role in children’s writing stamina, and therefore, the ability and enjoyment of writing.

Physical Curriculum Track
  • Preschool
    • Playdough
    • Beading
    • Cutting
    • Gripping crayons and pencils
    • Balance beam
    • Climbing structure
    • Tumbling/Gymnastics
    • Jumping, hopping, running, kicking, throwing, bouncing a ball
    • Yoga
  • JK & K
    • Journal writing
    • Handwriting Without Tears practice
    • Tracing, dot to dot, mazes
    • Dancing
    • Running, jumping, skipping
    • Throwing and catching
    • Balance and coordination activities
  • 1st - 3rd
    • Journaling
    • Weaving and sewing
    • Introduction to cursive
    • Introduction to keyboarding
    • Games and sports
    • Hand-eye coordination (tee ball, softball, tennis)
    • Kicking and dribbling
    • Monkey bars
    • Climbing structure
Harbor School