Staying Healthy
November 20, 2015

The month of November is nearing its end. The unseasonably mild weather of early November turned into crisp fall days, and now we are bracing ourselves for the inevitably chilly days of winter. I have purchased cold medications, snow boots, extra tissues, and other accouterments to keep my children warm and well. Especially as the holiday season approaches, I am doing my best to keep my family and me healthy. Nobody wants to miss a family gathering due to illness!

Along with aiming to keep my own family healthy, I also strive to make sure our students and their families are healthy, as well. To that end, I would like to remind everybody of the school’s health policies. If your children are not well enough to participate in the busy, active environment of school, even if there is no fever, please give them a restful day at home. If there has been fever or strep throat, children may not return to school until 24 hours of healing have passed. I also recommend the same for vomiting or diarrhea, both of which are often symptoms of illness. The above-mentioned guidelines and policies are in place to keep our children as healthy as possible!

Our students have been excitedly preparing for next week’s Grandparents’ and Special Friends Visiting Day. After they WOW you with the art show, their classrooms, and the Thanksgiving Program, we will dismiss at noon for our Thanksgiving break. I am looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday, as it has always been a wonderful time spent with my family. Sleeping in, leisurely cups of coffee, family movie and game nights, delicious feasts, and extended family gatherings...?these are a few of my favorite things!?

Harbor School