The sun is out, the birds are chirping, daffodils are blooming – all just in time for Spring Break! (Although the forecast is calling for some snowfall this weekend…what?!?)
My family and I are getting away for a few days, and we plan to implement plenty of “no technology” time and a lot of family time. The idea of simply enjoying life as it is, or at least trying to, is exciting. I always find that removing myself from my regular schedule gives me a chance to experience life from a different perspective. Forget laundry, packing lunch, and work…just for a brief moment in time. As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
We are so excited to see you all tonight for Spiral Night. You will be amazed by how the students and teachers have transformed the classrooms into the Spiral Museum. Please take your time exploring each room and the creativity and energy that it took to bring this special night together. Spring Break is the perfect reward for all of this intensive work!