Spreading Happiness!
December 15, 2016

As we close out 2016 and eagerly await the new beginnings of 2017, I wanted to leave you with some suggestions on how to navigate the next two weeks without school. (The teacher in me is dancing a jig. The parent in me is also dancing, though more slowly and with some hesitation).

1. Read a book. Children who see parents engaging in reading activities are more likely to enjoy reading. Everybody on the couch under the blanket! Books open! Read, read, read!
2. Do an art project. Sometimes we use a store-bought craft kit, but usually we use paper, paint, tape, stickers…anything really, to make cards, furniture for dolls and action figures, presents for grandparents, or décor for a bedroom! You will be amazed at what a child’s imagination can do, once unleashed. You will be surprised to see what your imagination can do, too!
3. Make a fort! My children still love building, playing in, and sleeping in forts. Our forts lead to hours and hours of fun, especially when it gets dark and the flashlights come out.
4. Sleep in. Okay, so that might be hard with little ones…but give it a try!
5. Donate toys. Last week, I mentioned how my children fill two shopping bags each December with toys to donate. While I enjoy cleaning out their rooms and play areas, I also enjoy working with them to find toys in good condition that other, less fortunate children, might love.
6. Bake cookies to deliver to friends. A slow, boring morning calls for baking! Make dozens of cookies (nobody needs to keep dozens of cookies at home, right?), put them onto pretty paper plates, cover with plastic wrap and a bow – and choose some neighbors, friends, local fire stations and police stations – and deliver them!

Perhaps some of the above listed ideas are easier than others, but during this holiday time, when we are inevitably spending money, I encourage you to spend time – time with your children and time spreading happiness. Happy Holidays to you and your families, from all of us at The Harbor School.


Harbor School