Spirit Week
February 16, 2017

Twice a year, the Parents Association puts together a full week of fun…Spirit Week! We’ve got spirit, yes we do! On Monday, students and teachers dressed in pajamas – some teachers even wore slippers! On Tuesday, students dressed as their favorite characters. No doubt, a fan favorite was the 2nd Grader who dressed as Mr. AJ! Wednesday was Harbor Spirit Day, and even our youngest students sported tiny Harbor hoodies. The spirit continued into Thursday for “what do you want to be when you grow up” day (that just rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?) and as expected, the creative juices were flowing.

We have many aspiring veterinarians, a few astronauts, and more than our fair share of princesses. We encourage our students to dream big and work hard! Of course, as hard as it might be to become an astronaut, becoming a real princess is statistically less likely!

Tomorrow, our teachers will gather for a full day of professional development. Reminder: no school for students. We will spend the day working on curriculum, developing a model to improve school culture, and find an hour or so to team-build and enjoy each other’s company. It is our version of resetting, refreshing, and renewing our SPIRIT. Monday is President’s Day, so we will see you and your children on Tuesday! Enjoy the long weekend.


Harbor School