Teaching From the Heart
October 26, 2017

Last year, Dr. Sun-Alperin gave every teacher a silver heart sculpture with a note attached that read, “Great teachers teach from the heart, not the book.” This couldn’t be more true than at Harbor School. Of course, we refer to our curricular guides, look back on the work of educational theorists, and read up on the latest child development research, but our teachers are without a doubt driven by their love for their students. It’s what motivates and energizes them every morning.

At last Friday’s faculty meeting, our teachers sat down together and wrote personal notes to each of their students to post on their lockers as a greeting on Monday morning. Although they were short, simple notes, the teachers sat and discussed each child and agreed on a message that would highlight each student’s individuality.

When the children arrived to school on Monday, they were surprised by these kind messages and their smiles were contagious. “I liked getting a note from my teachers. It made me feel really good and happy,” reported a first grader. A three year old student told me, “The note on my message was kindful.” When I asked what that meant, he said, “It’s like when you share, because sharing is caring.” What a good feeling to start a busy week!

I know from experience that teaching is a tough job. It is always challenging and can be exhausting, but there isn’t a more rewarding job either. We thank you for sharing your children with us, and we thank them for sharing their love and kindness each and every day!

Harbor School