A Note from Interim Director of Admissions, Kristina Harsanyi
This week we celebrate Spirit Week. After returning from a week off for Spring Break, the children got to dress up in pajamas (a personal favorite), as what they want to be when they grow-up, in something wacky, and in Harbor spirit wear. As I walked the halls this week I felt the enthusiasm, and saw the smiling faces of the children who were all so excited about their own and their classmates’ awesome outfits and sometimes their teachers’ pajamas or wacky ensembles. I recognized this feeling. It is one I have experienced many times since becoming a part of the Harbor community. I have tried to express this special intangible “thing” about Harbor to others when talking about my son’s wonderful school, but I always fall short. I end up saying something like “it’s really a special place,” and leave it at that. I now realize, what I am trying to convey is the Spirit of Harbor.
One of the definitions for “spirit” by Mirriam-Webster is: the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something.
Spirit is something you can’t touch or see (and can be challenging to describe) but you can certainly feel it. It is the feeling when you pull up to the queue and see “big” second graders proudly helping preschoolers out of their cars and into their classrooms. It is seeing the kids dutifully reading to Calvin or taking turns being responsible for him on the playground. It is the look of awe on the children’s faces as Mr. AJ fires up the 3D printer and brings something, which not long ago was just an idea in their mind, into material form right in front of their eyes. It is the energy in the hallways on Spiral night when all the artistry, creativity and hard work of the children and teachers are on full display.
Harbor certainly has Spirit and it certainly cannot be contained to just one week!