A Personal Introduction
September 19, 2018

Dear Harbor Families,

For a moment, think about your favorite teacher when you were growing up. Most likely, it was someone who spent time getting to know you as a complete person, and as a result understood how to connect with, motivate, and challenge you. Research has proven time and time again that good teaching and learning is built upon positive, strong relationships. When we trust and respect one another, as teachers, parents, and students, we can build upon strengths to motivate and inspire students - and learning takes flight.

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know many of you, and your children, throughout the summer and in these first two weeks of school. I have been fortunate to sit down with many of you for a personal conversation. If we have not yet had the chance, I invite you to make an appointment with me to spend some time getting to know each other.
In the spirit of building our community at Harbor, here is a top ten list of things about me that might be interesting to you or your children:

  1. I love kids of all ages, and have two of my own - Emily (4 years old and in our JK class at Harbor) and Jude (20 months). I am even married to a 47 year old with the spirit of a kid. Have you met Bill yet? You’ll understand when you do.
  2. I have a Masters in Education and a Certificate in Supervision and Administration, both from Johns Hopkins University.
  3. Before moving into school administration, I was a classroom teacher for twelve years. The grade level I taught for the longest time was second grade. I do miss teaching, but really love my role in supporting the essential work of teaching and learning every day, and the teachers who make the magic happen in the classrooms.
  4. I’ve been closely involved with Project Zero for many years, which is a set of collaborative research projects and professional development about current thinking in education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
  5. Through high school, college, and into my 20s, I sang in several different groups. My favorite was an a capella Renaissance group of 16 singers, where I sang the part of tenor.
  6. I have been a yoga teacher for ten years (in my “spare time”), and have enjoyed teaching adults, kids classes, and prenatal yoga.
  7. My family loves to camp! In the winters, we have been known to rent primitive cabins without electricity or running water. My husband, the cook in our family, likes to challenge himself to make gourmet meals with limited resources during these trips. Meals are always delicious!
  8. I was a college radio DJ, and my senior year I was the Station Manager of WAKE radio (at Wake Forest University). As a result, I am well-versed in the music of the early nineties - but I have to admit that don’t know a whole lot about music since then!
  9. I love ice cream! I always go for Moosetracks if it’s available; otherwise chocolate chip is my choice.
  10. This year, we are rebuilding our home in AU Park after a significant house fire last March. In the meantime, we are in a comfortable rental not far from the school. Luckily, Bill is an engineer and has managed most of the process of rebuilding without his busy wife!

Thank you again for being open to sharing of yourselves with me. I look forward to further building relationships with you and your children in the months and years to come.

Warm regards,

Harbor School