December 3, 2020

Dear Harbor Families,

Last week feels like a month ago. I find it fascinating that, as much as we can live with uncertainty and anticipate that change may eventually come, when it does, it’s a lot to adjust to.

At our professional day on Monday, the faculty reflected on three words - flexibility, resilience, and teamwork. Throughout that day and over the first few days of distance learning this week, the teachers demonstrated all three to the utmost degree. It was remarkable to witness the faculty prepare that day - the amount of effort, collaboration, and adaptability was admirable, to say the least. I know I don’t have to tell you this, but they are an incredible group of educators.

For all of you, there's no doubt that this transition was also a huge adjustment. Rearranging schedules, developing new routines, even adjusting the physical set up in your homes. I know it’s A LOT for each of you in different ways. 

More than all of the logistics, this transition can also be an emotional adjustment. I don’t know about you, but in this last week, my emotions were pulled back to that day in March when everything changed. My logical brain has had to remind my emotional one that, actually, this transition is not at all like that one. We know so much more - about the disease and how it transmits, about how to keep ourselves safe, and about how to transition back into the building (as soon as possible!). And, during this time at home, we have a fully developed distance learning program and the relationships between teachers, parents, and students to support it.

During a stressful moment on Monday, one of our teachers sent some powerful words in a text. At a vulnerable time, his words filled me with great pride. “We are Harbor strong.” Nothing could be truer.


Leah Musico
Head of School

Harbor School