April 1, 2021

Dear Harbor Families,

Next week is an exciting week at Harbor! Not only will we enjoy “Harbor’s Got Talent”, an annual tradition that showcases the unique and diverse talents of our students and families, we also have scheduled a community night at Potomac Pizza, and it will be Spirit Week at school (scroll down to make note of each day's theme). To top it all off, our second grade students are launching a school-wide “kindness campaign” that will continue through the month of April. Never a dull moment at Harbor!

Though all of this is great fun for the kids (and, hopefully, their families!), these events are planned with intention for reasons beyond the smiles. Research tells us that when students feel a sense of social/emotional comfort and belonging, learning is more effective and meaningful. Our Harbor community has always valued social emotional learning as a core component of the learning experience, and community events such as those next week reinforce that.

Take Harbor’s Got Talent - just think about the skills and dispositions that we foster through the talent show - executive functioning to plan and prepare an act,  perseverance in practicing for the performance, and confidence and positive risk-taking in performing on the big night! Not to mention, the diversity of acts and talents that evening will celebrate each child’s uniqueness, a core aspect of our mission!

Everyone is welcome to perform - and don’t forget that family acts are welcome! Just let us know what you are planning on via this form so we can prepare the line-up for the evening. And whether or not your child/family is performing, we look forward to seeing you on Zoom at 6:30 on Thursday evening (link here)!


Leah Musico

Head of School


Harbor School