April 29, 2021

Dear Harbor Families,

Each spring, the Board conducts an anonymous survey of our parent community to seek feedback about the school and family experiences over the past year. The Trustee Committee manages the survey, aggregates this feedback, and shares it with our fellow trustees and the school administration and faculty.  This feedback is a key component in shaping our annual goals as a board and as a school and aids in our commitment as a school to be responsive to our community.

Past annual surveys have influenced school decisions in both big and small ways. For example, techniques for parent communication, such as our weekly grade level newsletters, Seesaw, and report cards, have been established or refined based on survey feedback. This year, in addition to questions designed to assess curriculum, our school climate, and family engagement, we have added components to assess the school's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback as we look ahead to a new school year! 

Your participation in our annual survey is critical to ensuring that Harbor continues to respond to the needs and insights of our community, so we hope you will take a few minutes to respond to this anonymous survey by Friday, May 21st. You can access the survey through this link or use the survey link that was emailed to you directly from Survey Monkey today. Both parents/guardians are encouraged to complete the survey!  

We are counting on a high response rate so that we can continue to deliver the unique Harbor experience we all value. Thank you in advance for your time and input.


Eileen Pennington and Ratna Oetama

Co-chairs, Trustee Committee



Harbor School