Dear Harbor Families, In the Musico household, when we sit down for dinner as a family, each of us takes a turn giving a toast to start our meal. Last night, my husband Bill toasted to being "back in the groove". It's something I've been hearing from many of you in the car line as well; after the first couple of weeks of transition, it feels like we are fully back to school routines.
As an educator, Back to School Night has always represented the end of the beginning, a sign that we are, collectively, in the groove. At least for me, it feels even more so this year. Given that our COVID protocols are familiar and firmly in place, the beginning of school year has thankfully been less about health and safety than last year, and more about teaching and learning. Tonight's event is designed to provide you all with the grounding information about your child's learning experience at Harbor. The teachers have been working hard to prepare, and we all look forward to sharing our full program with you.
When you see your child after school today, please have a look in their backpack for an orange folder, which includes information to accompany your experience at tonight's Back to School Night. When the evening begins at 7 PM, we ask that you please change your screen name to include the grade level of the child for whom you will be attending the breakout presentation.
After some introductions, we'll send everyone to join their child(ren)'s grade level presentations. If you have more than one child at Harbor, we recommend that you log in on two different devices so that you can attend both sessions. And, just in case we haven't dropped the link enough places in this newsletter :), here it is again(password: Harbor).