Dear Harbor Families,
This morning, I woke to birds chirping outside my window! With temperatures rising, signs of spring presenting themselves, and the change of time for daylight savings this weekend, there is a feeling of renewal and energy for what’s to come.
Here are a few Harbor events to keep on your radar as spring arrives:
Tomorrow, we have a noon dismissal for professional development. The teachers will be working on further curriculum development of our interdisciplinary program - thank you for this valuable time!
We look forward to seeing many of you at Saturday evening’s Grand Slam Gala at Nationals Park! Scroll down for details, including parking and ride share drop-off information. And remember that you don’t need to attend the event to bid on silent auction items! Bidding is already underway, and the teacher experiences are going quickly, so check it out if you haven’t already!
In just two weeks - on the first day of spring, March 20th - we will host our annual “Harbor’s Got Talent”, our version of a talent show, which features acts of all types (and I mean all types!). The evening is sure to be a wonderful one, highlighting the unique strengths of our amazing kids and building confidence in the process. Information about registering your child’s act is below. Feel free to let them be creative with what they would like to share, and please keep acts to under three minutes.
Spring Break is just around the corner, and begins on March 22nd. Please note that we return on Tuesday, April 1st. Enjoy!
In April, the HSFA will be hosting our first (hopefully annual) Used Book Fair. It’s a simple idea and very much in line with our values at Harbor! With some potential spring cleaning in your plans, we invite you to set aside books from your personal libraries to donate to our used book fair. During the week of April 21st (fittingly planned for the week of Earth Day), we’ll collect them to set up a used book sale, so you can then shop to refresh your home libraries with books that are new to your child. Note that we will be looking for a good number of volunteers to help organize, price, and sell the books we collect - so please email Nicole Moore at if you are able to help that week! That week will also be marked by Spirit Week for the kids and a parent session about books sponsored by our DEI Committee.
Looking forward to seeing you soon for these exciting Harbor events!
Leah Musico
Head of School