February 11, 2021

Dear Harbor Families,

Last Friday during dismissal,  I handed each of you a  re-enrollment package for the 2021-22 school year. As you know, the deadline for re-enrollment is next Friday, February 19th. Some of you have signed and returned your agreement already, so thank you!  In a year of such uncertainty, I also understand that for some, it may feel daunting to make any decision for six months from now. I thought it might be helpful to explain the reasons for our timeline and firm deadlines for re-enrollment.

As you know, students who join our school move through a comprehensive admissions process to ensure that they are the right fit for our program and that we take the time to get to know each family prior to enrolling students.  This process takes time and begins in the fall for many incoming families. As a member of the Association of Independent Schools of  Greater Washington (AISGW), we agree to a timeline that allows a fair process for families who are weighing decisions about the right independent school for their child, while also providing schools in our network the time for a full admissions process. Based on this agreement, we send out admissions decisions to prospective parents on the first Friday in March, with a deadline for enrollment two weeks later. 

With our continued dedication to low student:teacher ratios, and the large number of applicants in our admissions pool, we must know exactly how many spaces we can offer to new applicants by Friday, March 5. To provide us necessary time to make final admissions decisions, re-enrollment contracts from current families are due two weeks prior to that date, on February 19th.

Please prioritize the important task of returning your enrollment agreement for the next school year. We hope very much that your child and family will remain a part of the Harbor community in 2021-22 and beyond!


Leah Musico

Head of School

Harbor School