May 2, 2024

Dear Harbor Families,

With the change in weather, there is an air of anticipation for the summer months to come, but not before another six weeks of learning - and plenty of celebrations of a wonderful school year!

At the car line the other day, a group of teachers were talking about the incredible progress we have seen in your children throughout this school year. I hope your conferences in April reinforced how much learning and growth your child has experienced throughout the year. As an educator, it really is such an honor to have the opportunity to work with families to ensure the ongoing growth and development of our young learners. It is remarkable to see their progress - academically, socially-emotionally, and physically (some of them have grown inches since September!)

It’s hard to believe that students are now working with their last unit of the school year! As learning continues with vigor, we are also busy planning end of year events, beginning to work on report cards, and conducting professional reflections, among other tasks. Several exciting events in the coming six weeks will serve to punctuate the wonderful successes of the school year - including our Celebration of Culture on May 17th (scroll down for details), end of year grade level celebrations, an end of year community celebration, and of course our third grade Moving On Ceremony. So many celebrations!

We are also looking ahead to the next school year, and are pleased to share our 2024-25 school calendar of events - for those of you who like to get a head start on planning for the next school year!

We look forward to celebrating a wonderful school year with you!

Warm regards,

Leah Musico
Head of School

Harbor School