The Harbor community is special. The warmth and care that one feels walking into Harbor is in part because of our small size, partly due to our early childhood focus, and to a large degree because of our intentional approach to building and maintaining a strong, connected community.


Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

We believe that our differences enrich us and make our community stronger. 

The Harbor School is a place where we:
• Know each child as a unique individual and nurture them to reach their full potential.
 • Cultivate children’s natural curiosity and empathy toward others.
 • Develop the critical thinking and active listening skills for inquisitive dialogue in a developmentally appropriate, safe environment.
 • Promote a shared responsibility to maintain a welcoming, supportive, and equitable learning community.
 • Foster the awareness, understanding, and confidence to self-advocate and advocate for others for a fair and just community.


Families are encouraged throughout the year, and particularly in the spring when we host our annual Harbor Celebration of Culture, to share aspects of their family culture and traditions. On any given day, parents visit classrooms to share what makes their family unique. Classes have hosted presentations about customs and traditions around the world and celebrated holidays and festivals such as Nowruz, the Lunar New Year, Mardi Gras, Holi, Diwali, Christmas, and Hanukkah with family members. 

The message to students that there are so many ways that each of us offer something special and unique to our collective whole is a purposeful and ongoing one. Ensuring that our exploration of culture is truly authentic is an important distinction to our approach.


Planned community events punctuate the year with opportunities for students, families, and teachers to regularly gather and connect. In the fall, we host Back to School Night, participate in the Potomac Day Parade, celebrate “Harborween” with a parade and class parties, enjoyed a Spirit Week, host the annual Book Fair and Pajama Party (complete with an in-person book fair, and fire pits and s’mores), host special guests for Generations Day, and gather at Smokey Glen for a fall community picnic. 

Between January and June, we celebrate student learning at Spiral Night, enjoy Valentine’s Day class parties and a family partner yoga class, host Harbor’s Got Talent to showcase diverse student performances, celebrate and raise funds at our annual auction and gala, and share cultural experiences and what makes us each unique at our annual Celebration of Culture.

Harbor School